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Deutschland Schulden In Prozent Des Bip


German National Debt: Maastricht Criteria and Current Situation


The Maastricht criteria, established by the European Union, provide guidelines for economic convergence among member states. One of the key criteria relates to government debt, which is measured as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP). This article examines Germany's compliance with the Maastricht criteria and the current status of its national debt.

Maastricht Criteria

According to the Maastricht criteria, the government debt-to-GDP ratio must not exceed 60%. Germany has been meeting this criterion since the criteria were established in 1992.

Current Situation

As of 2021, Germany's national debt stood at €2.476 trillion, representing around 66.1% of GDP. This marks an increase of €162 billion compared to the previous year. While Germany remains within the Maastricht criteria limits, the rising debt levels raise some concerns.

Reasons for Debt Increase

Several factors have contributed to Germany's increasing national debt, including:

  • Economic slowdown due to COVID-19 pandemic
  • Increased government spending on healthcare and social welfare
  • Low interest rates leading to higher borrowing costs


A high national debt can have various economic implications, such as:

  • Increased interest payments, diverting funds from essential services
  • Pressure on future generations to repay the debt
  • Reduced ability to respond to economic crises

Policy Options

The German government is exploring various policy options to address the national debt, including:

  • Fiscal austerity measures to reduce government spending
  • Economic growth initiatives to increase revenue
  • Debt restructuring to lower interest payments


While Germany continues to meet the Maastricht criteria, its increasing national debt remains a significant concern. The government is considering various measures to address the issue and ensure long-term fiscal sustainability.

